In this months Trout and Salmons review of 7# Switch Rods the Loop Cross S1 10′ 7″ comes out on top. Reviewer Jim Curry commented “One of the very best rods.” “I was expecting a rod of the highest order and that’s exactly what Loop have produced.”
Reviewer Gary Champion commented “A fabulous little rod.” “It performed excellently with all lines, single and double-handed. I threw better loops with this than anything else on test.”
It is as well to remember, as mentioned in the article that you will need two different lines if you are going to chop and change from spey to overhead casting. So you need to make sure you have the right lines for the job, as the spey line will be too heavy for overhead casting and your single hand line won’t be heavy enough for speycasting!
Line ratings/rod ratings, now there is a minefield. Follow the link on the website to get Loops line weightings to suit their rods.
Loop Cross S1 Switch Rods are available from Fly Fishing Tackle Co UK