Some things just stand the test of time and Cortland 444 Classic Fly Lines are as good today as they were when they first came out. We have a limited stock of these lines at a special offer price.

The Cortland 444 Classic Peach has stood all the tests that generations of anglers have thrown at it. Extremely supple in the hand, fast through the guides, high floating, precise tapers for ease of casting, turning over long fine leaders. The 444 stays flexible in any water. Sizes: WF3-10 & DT3-10, Type: Floating, Colour: Peach & Core: Nylon Braid.

With a specific gravity of 1.06, this neutral density 444 Intermediate Fly Line is only slightly heavier than water. Left untreated it will sink very slowly making it especially useful for fishing over shallow, submerged weed beds, the line settles just below a surface chop and remains straight for positive hook-setting. Sizes: WF5-9,
Type: Intermediate Type 1 (1.5-2ips), Colour: Ice Blue & Core: Nylon Braid.

The 444 Sinking Lines get the fly down to deeper feeding locations so because feeding patterns, water depth and currents vary; Cortland manufactures a wide range of sinking lines. Available in different sink rates 444 Sinking lines come in varying shades of brown, with the lighter lines indicating a slower sink rate than the darker. Sizes: WF6-8. Core: Nylon Braid. Also available is 444 Sink Tip Type 3. Sizes: WF4-9.
For more details on Cortland Fly Lines visit Fly Fishing Tackle Co UK